Ramadan Spiritual Talks

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We are hosting the following Spiritual Talks delivered by Scholars in the Holy Month of Ramadan.

Sisters are welcome and encouraged to join in the full benefit of the talks delivered by our special guest scholars by joining Asr Jama’at prayers before the talks, as well as for Maghrib and Iftar on the weekends.

May Allah grant us the ability and Tawfeeq to attend all the talks in this Holy Month of Ramadan 🤲 Ameen

DateAsr Jama’atTopicScholar
Sat 1 Mar4:45 pmRamadan: The Month of Quran & the Importance of Islamic EducationMoulana Hafiz Faheem Zaheer
Imam at Aisha Masjid, Reading
Sun 2 Mar4:45 pmRamadan: The Month of Protection from the Deceptions and Tricks of ShaitaanSheikh Mumtaz ul Haq (Streatham)
Imam at South London Islamic Centre
Sat 8 Mar4:45 pmHope in the Time of DespairMoulana Shah Muhammed Anas
Principal of Imam Zakariya Academy
Sun 9 Mar4:45 pmLoving Allah: The Greatest Jewel of RamadanMoulana Shah Usman
Teacher at Imam Zakariya Academy
Sat 15 Mar4:50 pmThe Hidden Key to HappinessMufti Mohammad Teladia
Imam & Hifdh Class Teacher, Reading
Sun 16 Mar4:50 pmThe Quran: Your Everlasting CompanionMufti Javed Kachhalia
Maktab & Islamic School Teacher
Sat 22 Mar5:00 pmMisuse of Social Media during RamadanMoulana Mohammad Ramzan
Imam at Abu Bakr Masjid, Reading
Sun 23 Mar5:00 pm“Time Is Running Out”Moulana Yahia Mohammed
Imam at Aisha Masjid, Reading
Sat 29 Mar5:00 pmKeeping Connected with Our Creator after RamadanMoulana Abdul Hannan Rab
Imam at Central Jamme Masjid, Reading
Sun 30 Mar*6:00 pmUtilising the Last Hours of Ramadan & the Night of EidMoulana Sadiq Ahmed
Teacher at Abu Bakr Masjid, Reading

*The talk on Sunday 30th March will take place only if it is the 30th of Ramadan, and not Eid.

Plus, the following two regular daily sessions throughout Ramadan:

  • Daily after Asr: Daily Reminders with Teaching & Learning, delivered by Moulana Mahbub Ahmed
  • Daily after 1st Tarawih: Ta’leem of Hadith, delivered by Moulana Abdul Hannan Rab

Download the Ramadan timetable
