"Whoever builds a masjid for the sake of Allah, Allah builds for him a mansion in Jannah" (Al-Hadith, Sahih Bukhari).
We are very grateful for any and all donations made to us regardless of the amount size. Please donate generously as this ensures that the mosque is maintained smoothly and the Greater Reading Muslim community continuously benefits to the maximum extent. Be assured that all donations are strictly kept separate for the Mosque fund only. Other BAGR activities are funded through local sponsorship such as Reading Borough Council and other sponsors.
There are many ways to donate and are as follows:
Bank Transfer (BACS)
If you wish to donate via direct account transfer then please use the following details:
Central Jamme Mosque
Barclays Bank Plc
Sort Code: 20-71-03
Account Number: 40158542
Or use the International Bank Account Number (IBAN) GB69 BARC 207103 40158542
When donating internationally, you will also be required to quote the SWIFT code BARC GB22 (SWIFTBIC).
By Post
Please make cheques payable to Central Jamme Mosque.
Central Jamme Mosque
18a Waylen Street
Reading, Berkshire
United Kingdom
Secure Online Donation System
We encourage you to donate directly into our bank account so that the transaction fees are minimised. However, if you prefer to donate by card, please donate using our secure Online Donation System, provided by Stripe.